Where can I go for information on Cranial Reshaping Therapy?
Your pediatrician can explain the basics of positional plagiocephaly. The doctor probably will offer referrals to one of the many type of specialists in this field, including plastic surgeons or pediatric neurosurgeons.
What is the best age for this helmet treatment?
While this is the recommended therapy from the age of 3 months up to 18 months of age, the best results are achieved when treatment is started at the early end of this range. As the baby’s head grows, the orthosis will be adjusted for proper fit.
How will the helmet be made?
There are two options for the initial appointment. The first that the Orthotist may use is to cover the baby's head with a stockinette type of material with sensors in it, which allow for a laser scanning of the head. This scan will show the actual measurements that we need to construct the reshaping orthosis.
The other procedure is usually done by Orthotists in their clinic. After putting a nylon-type stockinette on the baby, a cast will be taken of the baby’s head using plaster bandages, which sets in just a couple of minutes. Standard casting procedures are used and while the baby will not be very happy about having this done, it does not hurt. There is some liquid that drips off during the process, but this is just excess water from the plaster. The cast is then removed and the Orthotist marks the cast showing where the eyes, nose, ears, and centerline are located.
The other procedure is usually done by Orthotists in their clinic. After putting a nylon-type stockinette on the baby, a cast will be taken of the baby’s head using plaster bandages, which sets in just a couple of minutes. Standard casting procedures are used and while the baby will not be very happy about having this done, it does not hurt. There is some liquid that drips off during the process, but this is just excess water from the plaster. The cast is then removed and the Orthotist marks the cast showing where the eyes, nose, ears, and centerline are located.
How long will the baby have to wear the helmet?
Because each baby is unique and there are so many variables that need to be considered, periodic evaluations will be performed at the Orthotist's office. For example, the timeline is dependent on the age of the baby when the treatment starts, and the degree of reshaping that is necessary. Usually, it is just a matter of a few months before the desired results are obtained.
Does our insurance cover the costs of this therapy?
With the many types of insurance available, the best answer we can give is to call your insurance carrier after you have the prescription from your doctor.
How is my baby evaluated?
When a baby's abnormal head shape is noticed, pediatricians, pediatric neurosurgeons, and plastic surgeons are consulted. Using this trans-discipline approach, an accurate diagnosis can be reached. Babies from 3 to 14 months of age can generally be successfully treated with this type of therapy.